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What is a Quantum Dot?

Without Quantum Dots

How do Quantum Dots work?

A nano sized particle, (20x smaller than a strand of hair) that absorbs light, in this case, the quantum dots we are using will absorb the white light from the L.E.D headlights, and convert them to a warmer orange color, quantum dots are most commonly found in newer T.V's and Phones to enhance color.

Without Quantum dots, the electron absorbs energy and rises to another energy band. The energy is then released and the electron falls back the energy bands 

With quantum dots, it does the same exact thing as a regular atom, but once it moves up an energy band, the electron starts becoming unstable and vibrates, the vibrations cause the electron to lose energy and move down a frequency changing the color, and when it emits the light, it goes back down to the energy band.

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